AHBI Spring 2024

October 18, 2022 - May 23, 2023 12:00 am

Thank you for your interest in Abundant Harvest Bible Institute. In keeping with the Biblical mandate to be students of the Word, we are confident that these courses will assist you. Please visit at ahbi.go2bethany.com to register for the upcoming Spring Semester and for more details. Classes will begin January 22nd, 2024.

Intensive Track 1 (4 weeks)

Thriving in the Storm: Principles for Overcoming Any Adversity
Registration ends on 1/29/24 @ 12 pm

The storms of life are inevitable. When they arrive, you have three choices: give up and become
a victim; do what you can to survive; or learn to grow through it. This class will help you learn
that with the help of God, you are capable of more than you realize.
Recommended Resource: Standing Strong in the Storm (Greg Davis)
Class Day/Time: Mondays from 7-8:30 p.m. (4 classes)
Location: ZOOM Meeting
Instructor: Rev. Cynthia Jackson
Dates:  01/29/24 to 02/19/24
Cost: $40 ($30 plus at $10 administrative fee)
Certificate of Completion for students who complete all classes

Intensive Track 2 (4 weeks)

Faith Matters!
Registration ends on 2/26/24 @ 12 pm

Do you feel like your faith is on life support? Do you struggle with being a believer and having
unbelief? This class will make clear that the foundation for faith is the Word of God. Students
will learn the difference between biblical faith, mental assent and hope; uncovering how hope is
future but faith is Now!
Recommended Resource: The Two Kinds of Faith (E.W. Kenyon)
Class Day/Time: Mondays from 7-8:30 p.m. (4 classes)
Location: ZOOM Meeting
Instructor: Dr. Korey Grice
Dates: 02/26/24 to 03/18/24
Cost: $40 ($30 plus at $10 administrative fee)
Certificate of Completion for students who complete all classes

Fast Track 1 (8 weeks)

The Seven Laws of Teaching
Registration ends on 2/13/24 @ 12 pm

Teaching is a means by which disciples of Jesus are continually transformed in order to become
more like Christ. As gifted teachers of the Bible, our role is to teach so that our audience has an
undeniable encounter with God. This class will equip those called to pulpit or lay teaching to teach with clarity, passion and for biblical transformation.
Required Resource: The Seven Laws of Teaching by (John Milton Gregory)
Class Day/Time: Tuesdays from 7-8:30 p.m. (8 classes)
Location: ZOOM Meeting
Instructor: Pastor Valerie Prescott
Dates: 02/13/24 – 04/02/24
Cost: $55 ($45 plus at $10 administrative fee)
Certificate of Completion for students who complete all classes

Fast Track 2 (8 weeks)

One Relationship that Changes Everything! – Part II
(A study in the Book of Ephesians); (Part 1 not required to register)
Registration ends on 3/7/24 @ 12 pm

As believers we have been reconciled to Christ. A relationship with Jesus Christ is crucial for
your spiritual well-being and success. This class will delve into our relationship between Christ
and the Church, what that means, and how the work of Jesus on the Cross should permeate
every aspect of the life of a believer.
Recommended Resource: TBA
Class Day/Time: Thursdays from 7-8:30 p.m. (8 classes)
Location: ZOOM Meeting
Instructor: Pastor Nick Smith
Dates: 03/07/23 – 04/25/24
Cost: $55 ($45 plus at $10 administrative fee)
Certificate of Completion for students who complete all classes

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